Government Buyers

Championing Collaboration and Communication! Over 1,250,000 free copies to Public Sector since 2000

Communication Directories

We produce communications directories that we provide free of charge to public sector staff across the UK. They contain staff listings and management hierarchies so that you can easily locate and reference your counterparts within different public sector departments, agencies, and institutions.
Our aim is to aid in the day-to-day sharing of best practices and collaboration between entities.

Free to Public sector buyers

Over the past 23 years, we are proud to have provided over 1,250,000 copies of our publications to British public servants — all at no cost.

Funded by Suppliers

Our publications are made possible thanks to the support of our advertisers, who offer relevant products and services. In addition to featuring advertisements throughout the publication, we provide an index of products and services offered by commercial companies for easy reference. We strive to maintain a diverse mix of both large and small-to-medium enterprises in line with government guidelines, helping to drive value at each end of the spectrum.

Seamless Online Access

As a Public Sector employee, you are entitled to complimentary access to the online version. By registering you will gain unrestricted entry to an extensive database of suppliers providing products and services to the Public Sector. Additionally, you will have access to information and staff listings for all Public Sector Organsiations throughout the UK. These resources are here to assist you in making informed procurement decisions in sourcing suppliers, optimising efficiencies, sharing best practice and communicating with counterparts.