Government Procurement

£300bn+ annual spend on procuring products and services. Mostly awarded through contracts and framework agreements but £bns spent below tender thresholds.

Engaging with Government

Winning government contracts is more than just ticking boxes or filling in paperwork. It's about developing relationships and increasing brand awareness with key decision-makers.
We provide you with the tools to win government business.
We provide free hard-copy publications, and online directories to the UK public sector. These resources include staff listings and management hierarchies of government buyers and decision makers – people that can put business your way. Our goal is to provide a "one-stop resource" that allows you to:
Check out an excerpt from our NHS Procurement Directory

How does it work?

Our publications are designed to be used on a daily basis as a communication and supplier referencing tool for Public Sector buyers. They include details of senior buyers across Public Sector and supplier details offering relevant products and services to NHS, Local Government, Emergency Services, Fleet & Transport, Secondary and Tertiary Education sectors. Not only does this provide an excellent marketing platform for suppliers looking to promote products and services into Public Sector, but also to assist decision makers within Public Sector to source reputable products and services to assist them in achieving best value with budgets. In addition we provide our contributing advertisers with Public Sector buyers and decision makers listings so you can proactively communicate with them directly.


Sales & Marketing


When you advertise in any of our publications, you’ll gain free access to the contact details for decision makers within that specific area of Public Sector. This valuable database can help you identify and build relationships with the key contacts responsible for placing business in your direction.


There is no single route to market with Public Sector and building those foundations in relationships by communicating with the right decision makers whilst raising your profile and brand awareness allows you to get ahead of your competition.


Our platforms offers you the tools to proactively engage with the right decision makers:


Advertising Opportunities



Amplify your business presence within Public Sector using:


Our platforms boast numerous key benefits for navigating Public Sector contract, tender and framework opportunities;

What we offer

Hard copy publications

Online Directory


Our Publications


16 000
Local Government ( inc Emergency Services )
16 000
65 000
13 000
Fleet & Transport
7 000